Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Time Crunched Triathlete

So I'm registered for a half ironman in May. 


I'm also taking stained glass, work has picked up, and life is insane. I've not been balancing it all well. The bag of clothes I created for Goodwill in October is still sitting in the office. Have I been floating since then?

I know that I can get things organized. I know I can handle everything, but somehow I'm failing at getting everything together and training regularly. 6 days a week is looking more and more impossible. 4-5 seems doable. But I have to ensure that I am getting a good workout in, and in the winter it's tough. 

Do I need to start making myself accountable to a blog? Maybe so. 

This week. Laundry. 2 runs. A swim. A ride. Clothes to Goodwill. Recycles out. 

That's achievable. Very achievable. 

Now: I started this with the intention of a year long debt free experiment. I've since put quite a bit into savings. Currently: Good credit and little debt is awesome, especially when life throws you an emergency hotel stay and a fender bender the same month you're buying a year long gym membership and paying a 6 month insurance premium. A little credit card debt will have to do for a month or so. At least it's tax return time, right?