Blog, what happened!? We did great there, for at least one whole entry.
So, hopefully all this time will become time well spent and I'll soon be on the road to where I'm going- where ever that may be. Ability to balance my life with all of this? It will come.
Training, work, two volunteer gigs, keeping up with things at home (I got a lesson in keeping my stove clean from the maintenance guy today- oops), re-paying of my credit cards (wasn't this blog supposed to be about that to begin with?) yep, I can take it. I feel my energy picking back up already. Yesterday my mind was racing before bed with ideas, making it hard to sleep. I've needed more to do in my life, my job isn't one that could currently fulfill me, but it's doing a good job of giving me what I need.
What was that about my credit cards? February happened... did I mention that? So, I was over 1000 in the hole because I lost my back wheel, got into a fender bender, paid car insurance, paid for a year at the fairfax county rec center, and had an unplanned hotel stay to save my sanity in the worst driving experience in my life. Currently that debt's down to 650. Mint projects I'll be finished with that mess in July. My other financial goal? Start a Roth IRA. I'm giving myself a month- till June 20th. The hold-up is figuring out what to do with the money in the account. I need to research some money market accounts. I'm going to start it off with 500 from savings, I think. And then put in 50/month..... I think that will work out well with only some slight re-arranging. I'd do it now but I don't know where to put the money. There. This blog was supposed to be about my debt free-ness... well there's a whole mini financial summary.