Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple. Easy.

Oh! I should be better about posting, but it seems life has just sped up.

I saved substantially on groceries and food. I'm hoping to keep it up through the end of the year so I can afford everything else in my life without reducing the amount I'm putting into savings. I like this experiment that I have going on. I think it's helping to get my priorities in order.

My new theme to add to everything that is going on in my life is decluttering. In part I need to do this because of my new part time work project, grantwriting. In part I think it's simply a better way to live. Yesterday, I cleaned out my closet. A bag of clothing is going to goodwill.

This weekend my project will be my office. Shredding papers, getting rid of college notebooks, getting rid of useless stuff. Time permitting the next projects are going to be reorganizing photographs and getting rid of stuff from my many travels. I have receipts, and things that will actually never get used or looked at meaningfully. It's time. Otherwise I will continue accumulate, and not have room or time for things that may actually matter one day.

I want life, as far as I can control it, to be simple and easy, and organized.