Friday, September 10, 2010

Food and Money and Money and Food

So. I had a wonderful birthday. I didn't do anything really 'exciting' or fantastic, except to get a venti pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks for breakfast. My birthday is my unofficial opening day of pumpkin spice latte season. They are delicious treats. So, I had my latte and got lots of wonderful happy birthdayness, and was cooked a delicious dinner by my most favorite person. It was a good day. A true birthday celebration will take place next week, at a pub. There will be much mischeif as there cannot be right before a race.

And for my birthday, my debts are paid! I paid a parking ticket. I paid my credit card. I paid a pet deposit to my apartment (after a year of not paying it). The only money I owe to anything outstanding is about $2.64, which was some sort of discover interest charge that will be paid as soon as the whole scheduling process catches up with my dwindling bank account. 

And how will I help my poor little bank account? (right now, poor and little are the BEST ways to describe it) My focus this month is retraining my food shopping habits. I did a little math, and for the past 9 months I've spent, on average, $573.55 on food. EVERY month. That's a lot of money to eat. So I'm working on decreasing that, and so far I think I've been pretty successful.  It's the 10th, and so far I've spent $155 on food. I'm expecting to not spend any more on eating for about a week, save a post race meal. With a little planning that $155 bought me a lot of what I need for quite a bit of time. I'm pretty excited. If I keep this up, for two months, I think a) I'll get the hang of it and b) my bank account will be back to it's happier type levels. Until, of course, it is time to pay property tax on my car. I've never done it before and I'm honestly a little worried about what the bill may be.

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