Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to scratch my feet.

My feet have been feeling itchy recently. I don't know what to do to counteract that. 

I only have 2 free weekends between now and 2011, so it's not because I lack anything to do. I'm tackling a half marathon in a week and a half, come hell or high water, so it's not because I'm lacking challenges. I'm probably more happy with my life as it is now than I care to admit, so it isn't that something desperately needs changing either. 

What could it be?

I am a little disappointed that stained glass class was full this fall, perhaps I have too much pent up creative energy. Or of course I could just have too much energy. 

Partially, I think I'm feeling the need to travel again. That just requires so much planning. I need to be able to take a week off, have the money to spend, a destination in mind, and I want my man to be able to come with. That adds up to a whole lot of moving parts.  What happened to summer vacation that automatically meant TIME. Where's the gig that will get me to that point again?

All I know is that I need to be out of my box. If even for a weekend. Place, perspective, activities.  I'm taking suggestions for adventures of all sorts of varieties.

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